Guidelines for Research Proposal


  1. Cover Page:
    1. Name of University, Department, Organization or Program
    2. Title
    3. Name of the Principal Investigator or Lead Researcher
    4. Name of Student and ID #, Major Subject, Name of the Supervisor/Guide, Date of Submission (In case of student project)


  1. Title of Research Proposal:
  2. Investigator (Name, Designation, Address & Contacts):

(A copy of short Curriculum Vitae to be annexed)

  1. Place of Study:
  2. Type of Study:
  3. Duration:
    1. Start Date:
    2. Completion Date:
  4. Guide (Name & Designation): 
  5. Signature of Investigator:
  6. Endorsement of Guide:


  1. Introduction (Minimum 3 pages):
    1. Background:
    2. Problem Statement:
    3. Justification of the Study:
  2. Operational Definitions:
  3. List of Variables/Conceptual Framework:
  4. Research Question/Hypothesis:
  5. Objectives:
    1. General Objective:
    2. Specific Objectives:
  6. Methodology (Minimum 3 pages)
    1. Study Area:
    2. Study Period & Duration:
    3. Study Population:
    4. Study Design:
    5. Sample Size Estimation:
    6. Sampling Technique:
    7. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:
    8. Data Collection Method:
  7. Quality Control:
  8. Data Analysis Plan:
  9. Time Frame (Flow Chart):
  10. Ethical Issues:
  11. Public Health Importance:
  12. References (Vancouver Style to be followed): 


Appendix (Data Collection Instrument and Informed Consent Form be annexed)


  1. The research proposal should be developed strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and be submitted in A4 size 80 gm. offset paper.
  2. Three (3) copies of research proposal to be submitted to Office of the Global Health Research Centre (GHRC), DIU or to Department of Public Health (in case of MPH thesis).
  3. Each copy of the proposal should be submitted in a transparent clip file (specification is available in the Office of the GHRC).
  4. For research Proposals involving human subjects, Investigator should submit application for such approval using Application Form # 03, available in the Office of the GHRC.
  5. In case of publication of student thesis, the Investigator shall be the principal author and the guide shall be a/one of the co-author/s.
  6. Font-Times New Roman, Font Size-12, Space-Single, Margins-Left & Top 1.5 inches and Right & Bottom 1.0 inch be used in preparation of the Proposal.




  1. Cover Letter to Director for Ethical Clearance by Principal Investigator.
  2. Filled-up Ethical Clearance Application Form.
  3. Signature of Principal Investigator (s) & Co-investigator (s) with details address.
  4. Abstract for Research Ethics Committee (REC)
  5. GHRC/DIU format for Submission of the Proposal for Ethical Approval
  6. Informed consent form (Both Bangla and English) from participant’s or from the Parent / legal guardian.
  7. Questionnaire or interview schedule (Both Bangla and English).
  8. Procedure for maintaining confidentiality.
  9. Budget (GHRC/DIU format)
  10. Copy of approval from valid scientific review committee (If any).
  11. Four (4) copies of all documents to be submitted if submitted hard copies. A Soft Copy in CD/USB to be submitted.
  12. All Documents should be submitted in a A-4 Size, min 12 fonts, editable format.